Notas y comentarios que ayudan al arte de generar y divulgar su imagen
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016
Virtual Teams: Getting People to Work Apart - HR in ASIA
Virtual Teams: Getting People to Work Apart - HR in ASIA:
"There are advantages and difficulties posed by virtual teams. On the one hand, theres the benefit of being able to engage and enlist on your teams the most appropriate people, regardless of location. However, remote teams can also be difficult to form and maintain. Without effective collaborative systems, they may fail to deliver as promised or simply fail.
Leading a virtual team requires a strong and varied skills portfolio, but success of any kind of team relies on balancing three elements: results, processes and relationships. Results are the outputs of the team and are what the company measures. But its important to remember that a leaders attention to process and relationship concerns impact heavily on the team’s ultimate results."
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Why are Global Virtual Teams Falling Short of their Potential? - HR in ASIA
Why are Global Virtual Teams Falling Short of their Potential? - HR in ASIA:
"In today’s complex, global environment, it’s hard to imagine work without interdisciplinary, virtual teams. What is surprising is that half of those teams include members from other cultures, a further indication of how global business is becoming.
According to the 2016 Trends in Global Virtual Teams conducted by RW³ CultureWizard, 1,372 respondents from 80 countries said that 85% of corporate employees serve on such global virtual teams, and almost 20% spend over half of their day interacting with these teams.
According to Charlene Solomon, President of RW3 CultureWizard, “Almost everyone who works in global business is on a virtual team and 85% of them say it is critical to their productivity. These teams confront unique challenges because the lack of face-to-face contact magnifies and intensifies the impact of cultural differences between team members.”"
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viernes, 15 de abril de 2016
9 consejos para optimizar tu página de Facebook de tu empresa
9 consejos para optimizar tu página de Facebook de tu empresa:
“¿Cómo hago para que mi página de Facebook o Fan Page sea el primer resultado al buscar sobre mi negocio en Google?”
Me lo preguntan todo el tiempo. Es esencial que tengas bien optimizada tu Fan Page o Página de tu negocio en Facebook para conseguir los mejores resultados y generar tráfico orgánico. Al final tu Fan Page se convierte como en el segundo Homepage o página web de tu negocio, especialmente si es en línea."
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lunes, 11 de abril de 2016
Searching for jobs is Ordinary, but Creating jobs for oneself and others is Extraordinary. | Sujatha Jagdeep | LinkedIn
Searching for jobs is Ordinary, but Creating jobs for oneself and others is Extraordinary. | Sujatha Jagdeep | LinkedIn:
"Undergraduate and graduate students that pursue their higher education at various universities around the U.S.A undergo a bittersweet experience during the months of May and December every year. It is because they dream about and anticipate these two months throughout their student tenure. However, they also cause a lot of stress and anxiety among the soon-to-be graduates, as they transition from the safe and secure environment of their universities into the harsh world of work. Anyhow, new graduates need not feel stressed out and worried about their fast approaching commencement day, if they have prepared well for their most awaited transition during their student career. The question then arises, “How can new graduates look forward to their transition into the world of work by being proactive, instead of being reactive?”"
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domingo, 10 de abril de 2016
Start Prepping Now -- Generation Z Is En Route
Start Prepping Now -- Generation Z Is En Route:
"echnology-obsessed. Social-media crazed. Entitled. Unfocused. By now you’ve likely read a dozen editorials about Millennials and their effect on the American workplace. And by now you probably have several coworkers in their twenties and have been able to separate fact from fiction. (You also probably got them to help you figure out Twitter).
According to this study from the University of North Carolina, Millennials will make up 46 percent of the workforce by 2020. The influx of Millennials in the workforce has already posed a bit of a challenge for many companies, as it can be difficult to integrate this younger generation into the workplace. Considering Millennials’ needs and desires while balancing Baby Boomer expectations and practices is no easy feat. But, your company is making it work. Your company’s corporate culture has adapted to accommodate the new multi-generational workforce. You’ve managed to satisfy both the twenty-somethings and those in their forties and fifties. You can sit back and take a break from corporate restructuring for a while, right? Not quite."
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The next generation of workers thinks mobile-first - Future of work
The next generation of workers thinks mobile-first - Future of work:
"If your organization isn't putting the needs of tomorrow's workforce at the forefront of its strategy, then it could be seriously missing out on attracting and retaining younger talent.
That's according to a recent article on Apps Tech News, which explains how workplace attitudes are changing as growing members of Generation Z enter the workforce."
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miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016
Cost Effective Marketing Methods For Startups - The Social Media Monthly
Cost Effective Marketing Methods For Startups - The Social Media Monthly:
"Startups, above all other types of business, have to be frugal with their cash. This extends to both the day-to-day running costs of a small company, as well as other aspects like a marketing budget. While you do have to spend money to make money, it can be very easy to overspend in all the wrong areas without producing results.
Often, business owners can get caught up in too much marketing that isn’t focused. It can be tempting to go all out with every kind of marketing effort under the sun. But from the outset, you have to try and find cost effective ways to reach the same goals.
This article will run down several ways that startups can cheaply market their business. The best thing about the modern age is that with an internet connection, it feels like the power of the world is at your fingertips. You can reach billions of users and engage them on levels you never thought possible. Truly creative Internet usage will be the key to your budget marketing campaign, so follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to success."
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Anatomy of a Startup’s Website - The Social Media Monthly
Anatomy of a Startup’s Website - The Social Media Monthly:
"When you start a business, you need to create a website as soon as possible. No business can survive without a strong online presence, so this should be near the top of your list of priorities. Here are the aspects that your startup business’s website should have at a minimum:"
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Why Are Websites So Vital For Business? - The Social Media Monthly
Why Are Websites So Vital For Business? - The Social Media Monthly:
"When new business owners are looking for advice, they’re often told to build a website. It’s one of the first things they’re told to do, as it’s very important. However, people never end up explaining why a website is so important for businesses. It’s one of those tips you’ll follow without really questioning it or asking for proof. Having realized this, we decided to do things a little differently and explain why exactly websites are so important for every business.
Make it through this article and you’ll be made fully aware of what a website can do for your company:"
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First Impression: Your Website - The Social Media Monthly
First Impression: Your Website - The Social Media Monthly:
"As a business owner, it’s important to make sure your website kicks ass. This is a crucial part of the process of running a company. If you can get your website as good as it can possibly be then, you’re going to enjoy the success it brings.
Web Design
The most obvious way of ensuring that you have the best website in the business is to hire a web design team. This is crucial because you need to have experts working to help you perfect the site. A web design team will do this professionally and will know the tricks of the trade. And, it’s important to make sure you give your website the professional touch. There is an art to doing this, and you may not be in a position to do it yourself. So, your first course of action should be to sit down with a web design team. You can tell them exactly what you want to see from your website, and they will be able to advise you on the best course of action."
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viernes, 1 de abril de 2016
Lean Practice: Cinch in the Waste | Darden Ideas to Action
Lean Practice: Cinch in the Waste | Darden Ideas to Action:
"This leap year, why not make the most of the additional day with the subtraction of waste?
Lean practice may be defined as the relentless pursuit of the strategic elimination of waste. Through the continuous refinement of practices and procedures, lean management seeks to produce more goods more quickly while using fewer resources — less factory space, fewer worker movements and fewer assembly steps. Although often associated with manufacturing — Toyota and Danaher are proponents — it is also applied in service settings such as Capital One Financial Corporation. Here we define three types of waste and provide a framework for their identification in production and service processes.[i]"
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sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016
La 'era del grafeno' está aún en nuestra imaginación
La 'era del grafeno' está aún en nuestra imaginación:
"Un gramo de grafeno cuesta 100 dólares. El precio de este material extraordinario y que promete revolucionar la industria y, en consecuencia, nuestras vidas no es el único obstáculo para su desarrollo. Este material flexible, muy resistente, transparente, impermeable, que tiene propiedades eléctricas, térmicas, ópticas y de tensión únicas aún necesita muchos años de investigación para ser un material omnipresente en el mercado."
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